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Joint stock company Belebeevsky zavod Avtonormal (JSC BelZAN) is a modern engineering plant specialising in manufacturing of fasteners and springs for automotive industry, metal-cutting and cold-heading tools.

On February 4th, 1967 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR ordered the construction of component products manufacturers for Volzhsky Avtozavod, including Belebeevsky zavod of normals and metal products.

In October 9th, 1967 the first dipper of soil for the excavation pit is extracted, beginning the construction of Avtonormal plant. Gorky Design and Engineering Technological Institute became the Master developer.

In 1970 the first parts were manufactured on temporary ground of automatic and spring production untis. The first nomenclature batch was sent to VAZ.

On January 18th, 1971 by order of the minister of automotive industry of the USSR No. 17 Avtonormal has started working – the first phase of the main building has been commissioned. Its area was 30.1 thousand square meters.

In 1973 we began assimilating of parts for Kamsky zavod of heavy haulers. By the middle 70s we assimilated whole nomenclature of parts necessary for KAMAZ trucks configurations.

From the construction and to the middle 80s the plant has been equipped and technically upgraded with imported equipment. In 1978 the technical upgrade has been shifted to the manufacture of equipment in-house. For that purpose we built and launched specialized machine tool production. Equipment that was manufactured there is still working today.

In December 30th, 1992 production plant Avtonormal was transformed into open joint-stock company Avtonormal.

On June 27th, 2002 a new company emerges – JSC Belebeevsky zavod Avtonormal.

In 2006 integrated information system based on my SAP ERP software is implemented. It allows control over production process and receive complete and reliable information on-line.

In 2011 combined system of design-engineering preproduction based on T-FLEX was created in the company – end-to-end design.

All our products are certified. We have certificates of conformity from the Customs Union which gives the right to enter the global market.

Recently JSC BelZAN has significantly intensified work on the assimilation of new, advanced products. A significant amount of work dedicated to production assimilation of advanced fasteners for RENAULT cars is divided into several phases. The company's cooperation with the Volkswagen company is expanding considerably. They are the leading automotive group company within the territory of Russian Federation.

As part of engineering capabilities and responsibilities development we have implemented new technologies of protective coating application: zinc-flake coating on racks for large stud parts and zinc-nickel coating.

These coatings provide maximum protective properties during use of fasteners. They fully comply with the requirements of customers and automotive market tendencies.

One of the priorities of the company is to achieve compliance with the specific requirements of active and potential customers.

Quality management system of JSC BelZAN is certified for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, IATF 16949 by DQS Holding GmbH certification body.

In 2019-2021 the second party audits of JSC BelZAN confirmed compliance of QMS to specific requirements of customers: AVTOVAZ and Renault, KAMAZ, Volkswagen, Robert BOSH Samara, PSMA, ООО BPV-Ost, Benteller, Hi-lex, etc.

In November 2020 JSC BelZAN quality assurance and QMS advancement activities received high estimate from AVTOVAZ and Renault – our company received Quality prize 2020 in the category “Breakthrough of the year”.

Acceptance into government-owned corporation “Rostech” in March 2019 can be considered a starting point in the new phase in the development of the company. Program named “Strategy of company development until 2030” was developed. It contains investment program of equipment upgrading for import substitution of fasteners for automobile assembly plants in Russia with further connections and organizing a supply of car fasteners to foreign automobile assembly plants of the following companies: ООО Volkswagen Group Rus, Renault-AVTOVAZ, ООО PSMA Group Rus. Also we take part in new projects of PJSC KAMAZ on engine R6 and K5 cabin, parts assimilation in “Cortege” government project, in localisation for “Green energy” program, etc.

Nowadays Avtonormal is a stable and fast developing company - we feel confident about the future!!!

Адрес: 452002,1A, Syrtlanovoy str.,
Bashkortostan, Belebey

телефон: +7 (34786) 3-01-90

факс: +7 (34786) 3-01-90

e-mail: belzan@belzan.ru